Chat with Katy and KatyCats!Download the app and chat with Katy and other KatyCats for FREE! We are scheduling LIVE chats. Subscribe and we will notify you about the next chat!
Functions:- Live chat- Cool Katy Perry stickers- KatyCats private chat- Multiple chat rooms- Muting of annoying users
Talk about Katy's music, tours, personal life, high and lows! Talk about everything! Be closer to THE STAR!
Please be polite. Inappropriate conduct or harassment towards chatparticipants will not be tolerated and the session will be immediatelyterminated. No offensive language. Vulgar or abusive language, maskedwith symbols, characters or otherwise, will not be tolerated and thesession will be immediately terminated. No racist remark, sexuallyoriented remark, or religious persecution will be tolerated; any suchremarks will trigger the immediate termination of the chat session.